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Month End

Published for Saturday - August 31, 2024

Month End

Written Friday - 08/30/24 08:35 AM

I've got to quit writing a day ahead on the month ends. It's far to difficult to keep up with everything when I do it that way.

Now I've written a day ahead and am actually 2 days ahead. That's a problem! And it's going to throw everything out of kilter here on the blogsite.

Oh well, lesson learned. Fortunately, users can't see the test site I use so I can go ahead and bump that forward and leave everything else as is. That should work out just fine for my purposes.


Published for Friday - August 30, 2024


Written Thursday - 08/29/24 07:30 AM

The keyword is Grateful. That is how I feel and have felt for a very long time.

Grateful to our Lord for His many wonderful blessings. Grateful for His choices and His direction.

Anyone else might struggle with His decision to burden them with a state of wonkiness while standing. However, I look at it as something that still allows me to function at almost 100% almost all of the time. There are so many things I could be carrying with significantly greater obstacles. How could I be anything but grateful for His choices in my life?

I don't have to look much further than the wonderful wife with which I have been provided. Now there are a million reasons to be grateful.

What a wonderful example she has been in praying for my complete healing each and every night. She has increased my faith in praying for the same. Thank you Lord, for her wonderful example to me.

No Run Today

Published for Thursday - August 29, 2024

No Run

Written Wednesday - 08/28/24 07:40 AM

Today was supposed to be a 2 mile run with no workout. However, I decided to skip the two miler and give my body one more day to heal up.

All of the symptoms are clear. This has to be the new strain of Covid. Perhaps Covid 24 if you will. My sweet wife has it too.

According to the online information, and as anticipated, I will avoid any appointments while in a contagious state. As I've noted before, that is a good thing.

I also look forward to writing with a bit more flair after I'm done with all of these symptoms. That will be a nice change too.

A Day Ahead

Published for Wednesday - August 28, 2024

Day Ahead

Written Tuesday - 08/27/24 07:00 AM

Well, it feels good to be back to writing a post at least a day ahead. That takes away all of the self-imposed pressure of having a post ready and on time.

Yesterday, I finished my most recent Audible book United States of Socialism, written by Dinesh D'Souza. I also watched The Freedom Writers for the umteenth time and plan to listen to their Diary on Audible for my next Audible credit.

The D'Souza book was excellent and went into depth on who is behind it and how to stop it. As I mentioned previously, I've really had my eyes opened to the socialist dream. It's the first time I've been able to understand how someone might carry a torch for socialism.

It's not the history of what has been, but the dream of what could be. That makes sense to me, even if I don't necessarily agree with the dreamers. At least I understand their motivation.

Like I said, I'm really looking forward to hearing The Freedom Writers Diary. It will be a real treat to peek inside the minds of those young people and discover what they were thinking way back then. With the teacher's name (Erin Gruell) pasted on the project, I assume and am hopeful that we get to hear from her too.

Back in the Swing of Things

Published for Tuesday - August 27, 2024


Written Tuesday - 08/27/24 05:25 AM

It's been a long time since I've written and published a post on the same day. But this is exactly what's going on today.

When I went looking for a picture for this post, I discovered that there is a movie with a very similar name. Still, I found the picture I used in this post and I really like it.

Well, the body is telling me it's time to get going with things. I got up today and looks like this is the restart. Hutch DeLoach dot com version 2.

I really like getting back into my workouts with regimen #2 and a 1 mile run. It's not as hard a lift and #1 is, although tomorrow's 2 miler promises to include some challenges for this guy who is trying to get back into the swing of things.

The Flu Is Hanging On

Published for Monday - August 26, 2024


Written Sunday - 08/25/24 07:00 AM

Well, as I write it's grocery pickup day. I thought the flu was behind me but I was wrong.

Patty had been checking my temperature on a regular basis, especially after I drove us to Walmart to pick up the groceries and then unloaded them into the house. My temp has been 98.6 or a regular basis so it sounded like the flu was truly behind me.

Tomorrow I was looking forward to getting back on the weight training program and getting back with my running. Giving that up for the past 2 days really means that I missed 2 or my 2 mile runs and missed no weight training at all.

Oh, and my weight is 1 pound from the bottom or my 5 lb. range. That's great! I lost 30 pounds and have been able to keep if off despite eat outs and my wife's amazing cooking.

Addendum: 08/26/24 12:25 PM

I let my Tylenol go and woke up Monday morning with a slight fever of 100.4 Looks like another down day from the workout and runs. Guess I was getting a bit ahead of myself thinking I am well enough to get back into things. NOTE: I had to modify some of my above comments based on the continuation of the fever.

The good news is that I should be well past any contagious concerns before any of my upcoming appointments. That makes a difference.

Under the Weather

Published for Sunday - August 25, 2024


Written Saturday - 08/24/24 03:00 PM

There not much worse tham being under the weather. That's where I find myself right now.

It all started out yesterday right after I finished my morning workout and my run. I developed a light scratchy cough that progressively got worse over time.

I jumped in on some Tylenol but the fever was not far behind and my sweet wife looked after me with a cool compress and a thermometer and lot and lots of love. I'm staying on the Tylenol and it's doing the job.

Today has been a pretty quiet and nap-filled day. But needless to say no more workouts or running until I'm well again and up to it.

I can't begin to say how much it grieves me to miss runs and workouts. But I've learned lessons in the past about trying to work through a bout with running. Especially when a fever is involved. No way, Jose!


Published for Saturday - August 24, 2024


Written Wednesday - 08/21/24 03:25 PM

As I write it's only Wednesday the 21st with speeches yet to be given by both the VP and Presidential candidates at the DNC (Democratic National Convention.) As I publish it's all over and the speeches have been given.

I keep reading and hearing a lot of things about the lack of vetting that Kamala and team did on her VP candidate choice. If what I have seen on the X system (formerly Twitter) about him is true, I would have to agree.

It's still hard for me to believe that the Democratic candidates have any real opportunity to win this race and even more difficult to believe that it's not going to be a landslide victory for the Trump team. I saw the bits with Don Lemon and he had difficulty finding any black individual in Chicago to interview who is voting for Kamala.

In fact, his frustration was actually pretty comical. It was the first time in a long time that I found myself laughing at one of his videos. I doubt that he would want to hear that but it's true.


Published for Friday - August 23, 2024


Written Wednesday - 08/21/24 06:55 AM

Yesterday, as I write, I booked flights for Patty and I to visit Allie over in Germany. I was thinking how affordable they were until I realized that I had only booked flights for one customer.

I had to go back and add a second passenger. To be honest, the flights were still pretty affordable on Lufthansa as opposed to Delta where I started.

I suppose that people who fly Delta are hard and fast customers who fly them for the same reason that I used to fly them, back when I was an IBM'er. Convenience and dependability as opposed to price shopping were the norm when someone else was paying.

I'm discovering there are a lot of reasons Lufthansa prices are so low. I have to pay extra for bags and for seats. Even with those added charges they are still quite low compared to an outfit like Delta.

Happy Birthday Allie!

Published for Thursday - August 22, 2024

Happy Birthday A

Written Thursday - 08/15/24 02:20 PM

I'm writing this way ahead because I want to make sure I put in a place holder for Allie's Birthday. I just finished writing a post for Jonathan's birthday and Allie's falls just a few day later.

There won't be any meal involved since Allie now lives in Germany. However, we're really looking forward to our visit to see them next spring.

Based on her comments and the pictures she has sent to us, they seem to be settling in very nicely. I can't wait to see their beautiful place and the view that comes with it.

I also can't wait to see Allie and the entire Snow family. It's so nice of them to allow us over to see them.

Addendum: Tuesday - 08/20/24 8:30 PM

Booked the trip today and now need to find a cat sitter.


Published for Wednesday - August 21, 2024


Written Tuesday - 08/20/24 07:40 PM

I pulled out of the driveway behind a nice looking convertible. There were two guys riding in it and I think if may have been a BMW. Like I said, nice looking ride.

Interestingly enough, I followed them all the way out of the winding neighborhood road and up to the grocery store in the Ohatchee plaza located about one mile down highway 77 from the turnoff to our neighborhood.

In fact, they turned off to the grocery store right ahead of me and the guy riding in the car ran inside just as I was getting out of my car. By the time I got what I needed and headed back to the car they were pulling out and headed back to the neighborhood.

I turned in just behind them and thought that I would not probably see them again, since I had to wait on a few cars before I could turn. Oddly enough they must have pulled up on a 'careful driver' because I caught up with them and followed them all the way to my house.

Something in my peripheral vision caught my attention and when I looked out my driver's window I could see a big snake making his way across the road. I later wondered if the guy ahead of me and hit the snake, but if by chance he did, the snake was still moving pretty good and got out of the road by the time I could park my car on my driveway, get out, and pull up my camera app on my phone while I jogged back to where the snake was located, up next to my mail box.

I have no idea what kind it was but he took on an odd position when I approached him. He stayed still but opened his mouth wide and had it facing straight up in the air. I found pictures online of 50 snakes common to Alabama and it looks more like a cotton mouth that anything else I saw in there. Especially since his pose matched the picture I saw. The shape of his head is what had me thinking that he might be of a venemous variety.

He may just be a common old rat snake of one variety or another but I honestly have no idea.

An Irish Lunch

Published for Tuesday - August 20, 2024


Written Monday - 08/19/24 06:45 AM

Another day. Full of events. That's what the old title was meant to imply. However, it was changed to Lunch to suit more of what I wrote about.

Grocery pick-up and day 1 of the DNC. (Democratic National Convention) Those are the big items on the calendar today. Can't wait to see what the DNC has to offer.

Guess I'll sit down and take it in after I go and get the groceries.

I think yesterday was the first day I've ever skipped supper without being on a fast. What a crazy feeling.

Lunch at the Irish Pub was rich and full of calories. That's especially true of the wonderful Key Lime pie that Patty and I shared for dessert.

On, and the hors d'oeuvres. They were amazing as was the two fish filets on my fish and chips order.

Where did I put it all? I don't know but it sure was good and filled me up so much that when suppertime rolled around, I just wasn't ready to eat.

When I did start to feel like having something, I consumed an old hamburger patty with mustard and some diet grape coolaid to drink.

I guess that's why I was about half a pound down this morning. Whatever it was, I'll take being down at all after everything I had for that big lunch yesterday.

Busy Day

Published for Monday - August 19, 2024


Written Sunday - 08/18/24 06:40 AM

Well, today is the day. Sort of...

We start the day with a 2 miler and then do a bit of ham radio and prepare for the arrival of Jonathan and Amy. As I mentioned before, we're eating out for Jonathan's birthday.

Of course as I publish today it's all over with. But as I write it's still upcoming.

As I write, today is also a review of the DNC (Democratic National Convention.) 'Review' means that the journalists from Fox News will already be there and laying things out for the week to come.

Of course as I publish, today is Day 1 of the DNC. Should be interesting with all of the protests scheduled and the number of people being estimated for those protests. I wonder how much, if any of that, they will cover in the news.

As I publish, I've got a UAB Kirkland Clinic visit scheduled for Tuesday (tomorrow.) It's first thing in the morning and will involve an early drive over. I sure hope they can find something.

That's because I've run out of options otherwise. I've been tested just about every way known to man and this is probably the end of the road for me when it comes to a diagnosis.

No pressure intended folks, but this is it for me. At least that's what I'm guessing. I've been wrong before but we'll see.

Oh and as I publish, today is grocery pick-up day. Like I said, busy day!

Happy Birthday Jonathan!

Published for Sunday - August 18, 2024

Happy Birthday J

Written Thursday - 08/15/24 01:50 PM

Well, this works out quite nicely! We're taking Jonathan and his lovely bride (Amy) out to lunch for his birthday and it's all happening today as I publish.

We're going to an Irish Pub and the online menu indicates they serve Guinness. I suspect that will be the beverage of choice, for the men anyway. That's just a guess, but I suppose we'll see when we get there.

The place was closed last time we tried it and we found another pub that was very good. In fact, I tried a Coffee Stout and it was amazing. It went very well with the Mexican Nachos that I ordered.

I was feeling like the fish and chips last time and that still sounds like exactly what I'm going to try today! But then again, they have some other amazing choices which is going to make for a difficult decision.


Published for Saturday - August 17, 2024


Written Thursday - 08/15/24 11:15 AM

I just purchased another book on Audible. This one is by Dinesh D'Souza and centers on Socialism. I've only finished the preface and am well into the introduction and already I'm able to see why folks are Socialists.

As Dinesh points out, Socialism has failed in many, many instances and has yet to succeed anywhere. However, that won't slow down those who dream of the perfect Socialist society. I now realize that these dreamers are captured by their imagination of what they believe can work.

Perhaps they are correct in their assumption of the problems with a capitalist viewpoint. On the other hand, perhaps they are dead wrong. It's a question that has been the topic of much debate and will likely continue in that direction for many years to come.

The title of the book, as seen on the picture of the book cover above, is United States of Socialism. You wouldn't know it by my book collection, but Dinesh is one of my favorite authors. His work is always second to none.

The Ham Bands

Published for Friday - August 16, 2024

Ham Bands

Written Thursday - 08/15/24 08:40 AM

I usually start early with the ham radio. And my wife always asks me how the radio is doing. The answers are always wide ranging.

They move from 'perfect' to 'the bands are dead' and anything in between. We both agree that there is no rhyme or reason as to where things are at any given moment in time or why they are where they are.

I haven't briefed my wife on the more in-depth technical level but the band status carries a lot of weight. 20 meters is always open but I am quick to come down on it and most all of the bands if I can't do anything outside of the United States. 15 meters is more my go-to band. It it's dead quiet that in my estimation the bands are dead.

Usually if 15 is dead, then so is 10 and 12 meters. 17 almost always either strongly resembles 20 or is dead. My antenna is not designed for 30, 40, 60, and 80 although I have used it successfully on each before.

Sometimes if things look pretty bad across the spectrum, I will go to 6 meters and see what's going on there. Much to my surprise, it seems others are doing the same thing and I often find a group of 6 meter enthusiasts trying to see if 6 meters is open or can be opened.

Most frequently, I go to 15 meters and hope for the best there. If I can get out of the United States on 15 then that is where I will remain. Funny how fast things can change on any band or the bands as a whole.


Published for Thursday - August 15, 2024



Written Wednesday - 08/14/24 08:15 AM

Patty's garden is doing wonderfully. I thought I would capture some pictures of her beautiful sunflowers.

It's amazing how tall and leafy they get in addition to the beautiful sunflower that can be seen from a distance. One of the pictures shows a close-up of the plant and the other shows it in its beautiful environment.

The rain and the landscape guys have been good to us. The guys work with us to get things just the way we want them.

I had to get out and do a bit of raking to clear off the extra clippings. There was quite a pile so I moved them to the garbage container. All's well that ends well.

We're also enjoying some of Patty's garden-fresh tomatoes on our lunchtime sandwiches. Boy are they good!

From The Heart

Published for Wednesday - August 14, 2024

From The Heart 3

Written Tuesday - 08/13/24 06:20 AM

I like sharing from the heart. It seems such a healthy thing to do.

Even on the days when I don't have a lot of new stuff to share, sharing from the heart just seems right and always feels good.

Today is Tuesday and looks to be a good day. It's an easier workout day with just a one miler to run. I can do that!

The Lord has been so good to me. Over and over again I see the importance of faith in my walk. Without faith I'm doomed to the belief that I can make the things happen that I need to have happen. In other words, I can control the things I need to control.

It's just such times that I fail to turn things over to the Lord that never have a good outcome. On the other hand, I can clearly see the good in those instances where I turn difficult situations over to God. It's such a peace-giving place to live.

I still have to work to keep up my end of the bargain. However, knowing that God is in the lead and in charge makes for a much more positive and worry-free outcome. I'm helping Him instead of taking the lead and that is the way I always want things to be.

Thank you Lord for that gentle reminder that you provide whenever a difficult situation arises. Thank you for that gentle reminder that you are more than glad to take the lead if I would only take the time to give it to you.

Lord, please keep those reminders coming. I willingly yield to your leadership in all matters - especially when it's the difficult way to go.

The Political Environment

Published for Tuesday - August 13, 2024


Written Monday - 08/11/24 06:35 PM

I really don't know what to think about the political environment. That Kamala Harris (our current V.P.) is being seriously considered by the Democrat Party as a presidential candidate against Trump in 2024 boggles my mind.

Are those who are professed Democrats is the United States so blind that they would consider her for any office? I sincerely don't understand how that could be.

I understand that some folks hate Trump, but do they hate his policies enough to vote for Kamala? That's what concerns me.

I would say that I've already been wrong on this whole idea before, except I'm one of those who believes the 2020 election was truly stolen. For anyone who wants to see the truth, it's out there for the viewing. Even with all of the myths and the conspiracy theories that have long since been debunked, the truth is still out there.

If Trump wins but it's a close race, I'm still going to be disappointed in the American people. To me, that would mean that even with a sample of what we can expect from a power-hungry Democrat party there's a large contingency out there who want more of the same or want something that might be considered insignificant to the rest of us when measured against that which comes with it.

God help us if Kamala wins! There's much to be concerned about, should that actually occur.


Published for Monday - August 12, 2024

Radio Show

Written Sunday - 08/11/24 01:35 PM

I've got another credit for a free audio book to upload to my account. But, I don't have a lead on a good book.

I've listened to plenty of political books and even done a Nicholas Sparks book or two. In fact, I've even listened to some of the amazing Audible productions and they are indeed quite amazing.

They remind me of the times Patty and I used to listen to a nightly radio program. I can't for the life of me remember what the name of that program was, but it was a bit spooky and always good. If memory serves me, we listened to those programs while we were away at college.

Now I'm climbing way out on a limb with my memory of those times, but it seems we always drove somewhere and parked to listen. Not sure why my memory is lacking in those instances. Perhaps it was different. I'll bet my wife remembers it all much more clearly.

Seems like there was always a squeaky door inserted in there somewhere for effect, and it always did the job. Perhaps that was only in the introduction to the program and that's why I remember it so vividly. I do remember there being a lot of sound effects and they always were effective.

It's coming back to me and I remember a voice saying, 'Good Evening' in front, or over top, of the squeaky door. And I believe that was in the introduction to the program. Hearing that was out cue to turn our attention to the program.

In my mind's eye, I can picture a group of radio actors in a circle gathered around a microphone with scripts in hand and reciting their bits each at it was his or her turn.

I don't remember ever hearing the turning of a script page but I would think it had to be happening. I remember seeing something like what I've described and maybe that's why I can see it so clearly in my mind's eye.

In fact, when I went looking for a picture for this post, I found that very thing. That picture really brings home all that must have been going on and that we were never supposed to see or imagine.

Date Night

Published for Sunday - August 11, 2024

Date Night

Written Saturday - 08/10/24 06:35 AM

Date night. It's such a wonderful part of our lives.

And date night is always such a special night. The time we spend together is always a real treat. And last night was no different. As I said recently, I am such a blessed man to enjoy such a wonderful life with my better half.

Our date nights are always so special. We noted that sometimes we go our separate ways at night and only make it back together in time to call it a night. That's why date nights really stand out.

Okay, the rest of this post is going to be more on a technical slant. If you're not interested you need to stop reading right here. I'm serious, technical reading ahead!

I can always plan on adding some weight and last night was no different. I added a pound with that pizza. I doubt the Coke Zero made much difference but the pizza sure did.

I did 6 pieces instead of the traditional 4 pieces which means I'll have 1 piece for lunch and 1 for supper. That will include a watermelon snack which usually doesn't make any real difference. And the net effect should be a simple weight reduction of at least a pound or more.

That means my work is cut out for me over the next few days if I plan to get back down to the bottom of my range. Here I go (again.)

My Wonderful and Beautiful Wife

Published for Saturday - August 10, 2024

Love 2

Written Friday - 08/09/24 06:20 AM

I'm honored that my wife reads my blog each and every day. It's a price my busy wife willingly pays.

I'm such a blessed man to have such a wonderful wife. And it's something I'm proud to share here on the blog.

Few men get to enjoy such a wonderful life with such a wonderful wife. It's amazing to realize that this December will be 48 years we've been married.

Add to that the time we dated and became engaged and we've been together for well over 50 years. What a landmark that we are both moving into our seventies within the months to come.

I watched a wonderful spiritual movie last night and one of the things that the male lead shared was out of Proverbs about a man finding a good wife. I have indeed found such!

I so enjoy the time she shares her wisdom with me. And I also highly enjoy the time we get to spend together. I think the deep love we have for one another is definitely a function of the number of years we have been together and the number of years each of us have lived.

Without that time, there's no way we could enjoy the depth of love that we share. Like I said, I think the many years together have made the difference.

My father often said something to the effect of my having received the best end of the deal with her. And, I never challenged that truth!

To my sweet, sweet wife, thank you for choosing me and thank you for the opportunity to share this wonderful life together. I am indeed blessed to have you in my life and for the fact that you chose to spend the years of your life with me.

I am indeed a happy, honored, and blessed man! Smiley

More Updates and Stuff

Published for Friday - August 09, 2024


Written Thursday - 08/08/24 06:55 AM

Today, the guys finished cutting and hauling off the tree that went down in the storm. It's good to have that done.

I've also just finished balancing the budget. I'm blessed to see how that is coming along.

I'm still amazed that a new crown and a filling were covered by our humble medical insurance. Color me grateful.


Published for Thursday - August 08, 2024


Written Wednesday - 08/07/24 06:40 AM

Well, today is the big day. As I mentioned previously, I have a dental appointment to get a cavity filled.

It's also Wednesday and I have Mike, our handyman, scheduled to remove an otherwise healthy tree that fell in a high gust of wind during a recent storm.

It's going to be a very hot day. As such, Mike is going to start early - around 7:30 AM. He still anticipates the job taking a full day.

He mentioned yesterday, when he was talking about an earlier start time, that his wife had purchased the staff paper I requested so I need to set up a time that I can go over and scratch out some guitar charts for her.

What is God Saying?

Published for Wednesday - August 07, 2024


Written Tuesday - 08/06/24 06:45 AM

That's a good question. It's one I believe we should ask ourselves often.

Asking ourselves that question ensures we stay in touch with the almighty throughout each day. And the answers might surprise you. That is often the case for me.

Lately God has been speaking to me about my community. It's so easy to go the route we have been trained to go and that has been engrained in each of us. You know, the church route.

But my community is my wife, kids, and grandkids. If I fail that community I have truly failed.

Sure I can make myself busy about my 'spiritual chores' but if I'm not available to my community then what have I accomplished? The answer is a big fat nothing.

It's a hard word to hear because it goes against everything that I have been taught. Still, it's what God is saying to me. And I better listen!

What's interesting (and a bit funny) about what He is saying to me is that it seems so right when I dig into it.

Have we lost sight of our priorities? Have we lost sight of that which is so important to us? What is your community? That's what God is asking me.


Published for Tuesday - August 06, 2024


Written Monday - 08/05/24 07:05 AM

Well, today is a grocery pick-up day and a regimen 1 workout with a 1 mile run. Otherwise, it's time to check in on the political scene and the falling Bank of America stock.

Wednesday will be a dental (filling) day and a down tree haul off day. But I'll save the details on those for other posts.

It's also been very quiet on the Ham Radio front. Europe is not coming in during mornings as usual and neither is Japan and others to our west in the evenings. I can only do so much in the USA before tiring of the situation.


Published for Monday - August 05, 2024


Written Sunday - 08/04/24 06:05 PM

BAC - it's the stock symbol for Bank of America.

I'm getting this post started a bit early. Tomorrow morning will tell the tale in a more direct fashion.

Addendum: Monday - 08/05/24 06:35 AM

Well, here it is - Monday morning. And BAC stock looks to be down.

The articles I've seen and read all appear to want to put downward pressure on the Dow and Dow stocks. BAC looks to be no different.

It's sitting at 35.82, almost 3 dollars below where I got out. It may be time to get back in. But not quite yet with all of the downward pressure I'm still seeing.


Published for Sunday - August 04, 2024


Written Sunday - 08/04/24 05:30 PM

It's been a crazy set of days here lately. We've lost power twice and a whole bunch of other crazy things have been going on. I've had to play catch up here on my postings with all of the craziness that has been going on.

We lost power and on a different schedule we also lost our internet. I've never appreciated how dependent upon both I am until there came a time where I didn't have either. That doesn't include the pain associated with the loss of our air conditioner! Good grief!

No water and no running. And the list goes on and on. And by the way - craziness. I had to look up the spelling for that word. I've clearly never used it so didn't know if it needed a 'y' or an 'i'.

Tree Down

Published for Saturday - August 03, 2024

Tree Down

Written Saturday - 08/03/24 07:55 AM

Well, we arrived home from taking the kids to the Atlanta International Airport for their trip to Germany. It was a long trip home due to the two very long road work backups where things narrowed to one lane.

We got home just in time to see the yard crew hard at work after a storm and during a power outage due to the storm. We had a big tree (see picture above) that got hit by lightning according to one of the yard crew, and it went down. I'm waiting on estimates to have it removed.

We had a limb fall, from another tree, on top of the azaleas and I moved it. Two limbs also fell from the dead tree, which is still standing strong. Power was restored after 1 AM this morning and I was never so glad to feel the air conditioner and fans cut on. I thanked the Lord over and over again.

I got up to close the windows and ran the dishes while I was up and went back to bed. Just finished a two miler and still need to do a one miler and my Friday weight training regimen.

I should also mention that Bank of America stock is way down. In fact, it's about $1,125 below where I jumped out. My guess is that there will be a bounce upward next week before it continues its decline.

That's why I'm staying away. I may miss an opportunity but a sell-off has to be somewhere in the future and I don't want to get caught in that downfall.

I shouldn't be timing my buy but I just can't bring myself to jump in at this higher point. We'll see if I'm wrong and missed out.

Atlanta International Airport

Published for Friday - August 02, 2024

Atlanta Airport

Written Saturday - 08/03/24 07:45 AM

Today is a short post because we are taking the kids down to the Atlanta International Airport for their trip to Germany. Safe travels folks!


Published for Thursday - August 01, 2024

August 2024

Written Tuesday - 07/30/24 10:40 AM

It's that time of the month again. It's the new month and time for all of the updates to be performed to allow for the new month to be published.

There's not much to say here. Just time to create the new files and copy over the existing files and moidify some as required.

It's something I should better document. But currently I just fly by the seat of my pants in making the changes. That's why there are times where I have to do or redo things to get it all done.


Copyright © 2024 Hutch DeLoach